Learning Hub

Get started with the SAP Learning Hub using these presentations (pdf) and a recorded webinar.

Recorded SAP Learning Hub presentation and demonstration (you can start at 4:45 into the webinar)

SAP Learning Hub Overview (pdf)

Activation Code Redemption Guide for Learners (pdf)

The edition sold via SAPSA is SAP Learning Hub, professional edition. Students get access to the system February 1st, 2023 and the subscription is valid for one year.

When students redeem the code, they should tick the box I work for another company, as the system suggests first that they work for SAPSA. Please use company e-mail address instead of a private e-mail address. FAQ: How do I redeem my activation code.

If you are interested in certifications, please visit SAP Certification. There are two different options CER001 with 1 test attempt and CER006 with 6 test attempts.

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