Nedan hittar du ett förord från SUGENs ordförande Gianmaria Perancin där han bland annat pratar om höstens F2F möte i Walldorf och olika framgångar i användarföreningarna.

I 2024s sista upplaga av Digest hittar du en mängd spännande artiklar, där representanter från andra SAP-användarföreningar delar med sig av sina viktigaste insikter och erfarenheter från det senaste SUGEN-mötet. Du får även en detaljerad sammanfattning av de ämnen som diskuterades under SUGEN Executive Exchange. Dessutom delar Yasmin Awad, Senior Vice President and Head of SAP Global User Groups Organization, med sig av en uppdatering om de samarbeten och framgångar som uppnåtts mellan SAP och användarföreningarna globalt.

Hela SUGEN Digest från november hittar du här. Trevlig läsning!

The F2F meeting we had in November was another important milestone in SUGEN history.

The Best Practice Day held on Nov 25th has shown how much User Groups are able to grow in maturity and, therefore, in attracting new members. The experiences shown by AUSAPE, AFSUG, SAPSA were very inspiring in how to promote the value of being part of a User Group. At the same time, the new branding policy of has been impressive as it strongly highlight how User Groups are keys for leveraging the network for increasing competences. Key words such as Connect, Learn and Grow, are the real DNA of User Groups, and this is also true for SUGEN, at a global level.

During the two following days, thanks to the Executive Exchanges, SUGEN could see the importance that SAP gives to Business Transformation Platform, Enterprise Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience ; but also, to topics about Security and Compliance, or Sovereign Cloud, to protect the “intangible assets” of companies, that are represented by the data they own.

The possibility to see how we progress with the Charters was addressed during the internal SUGEN topics, as well as how GUGO is working in supporting User Groups. Those were two key moments for appreciating our collaboration and prepare the future material we will share locally.

FINUG also presented their experience in promoting an “ERPSim game” based on S/4HANA with students and University in Finland : this shown the capacity in attracting future SAP users, through gamification of real business processes. Obviously, the in-depth discussion SUGEN had with Thomas Saueressig about business transformation has shown how SAP supports customers in adopting cloud and clean core, but also how much the partners are going to change their business models. For sure, SUGEN must play a key role here : our members in each of our User Groups will be satisfied with SAP solutions and products only if the partners can be up to date and trained with all innovations provided by SAP and implement them efficiently.

This should lead SUGEN to consider how strong our network must be in representing the sounding board of the entire SAP ecosystem, so to provide tangible valuable feedback and help SAP in understanding customers’ and partners’ expectations.

It is through this continuous honest and constructive feedback that SUGEN will keep its value in the future and therefore reaching new achievements for all the users and partners of all SAP solutions, products and services.

Gianmaria Perancin

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