Explore the Impact of SAP Business Networks for Industries

Join this live session initiated by SUGEN (SAP User-Group Executive Network) to discover the world of SAP Business Networks and their potential across various industries.

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Explore the Impact of SAP Business Networks for Industries

Join our live session to discover the world of SAP Business Networks, a comprehensive B2B collaboration platform that fosters connectivity, transactions, and partnerships among companies, all within shared processes and information. As companies across diverse industries grapple with unique supply chain challenges and opportunities, learn how SAP Business Network emerges as an efficient solution to address these specific needs. Dive into this cutting-edge transformation and exploration, and stay informed about our latest announcements. In our live session, we will discuss the transformative potential of SAP Business Network across various industries.

Link to join and replay


Tony Harris

SAP Business Network
SVP & Chief Marketing & Solutions Officer

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