Reduce Your Operation Efforts With SAP Cloud ALM, SAP Automation Pilot, and the Terraform Provider for SAP BTP
In this session we will cover following topics:
Reduce your Operation Efforts with SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Automation Pilot Service
Learn how you can benefit from SAP Cloud ALM and its integration with SAP Automation Pilot so that a wide range of remediation actions modelled in SAP Automation Pilot can be automatically triggered in case SAP Cloud ALM detects an event of your interest.
Patrick Richarts - Product Manager
Biser Simeonov - Product Manager
Benefit from Latest GenAI Capabilities for Automating your Technical Operation Tasks with SAP Automation Pilot Service
SAP Automation Pilot aims to simplify and automate complex manual tasks executed by any DevOps team. To reduce ops effort event further, learn about the upcoming GenAI Commands Assistant of SAP Automation Pilot. You will see how Generative AI can understand SAP Automation Pilot concepts and generate fully working advanced commands suitable for different DevOps scenarios based on a simple user prompt.
Biser Simeonov - Product Manager
Manage your Infrastructure with the Terraform Provider for SAP BTP
Infrastructure-as-Code provides value for companies of any size to provision and manage their infrastructure. With the Terraform Provider for SAP BTP you have now the opportunity to manage your SAP BTP account in an automatic and reliable way.
Wolfgang Scheer, Customer Solution Adoption Expert
Eventet riktar sig till dig som jobbar med SAP och är fyllt av över 100 spännande seminarier, hands-on sessioner och inspirerande utställare. SAPSA:s användarkonferenser har slagit deltagarrekord varje gång de senaste åren. På SAPSA IMPULS 2019 räknar vi med att bli 800 deltagare och hoppas att just du är en av dem!