Low Code / No Code
Infobite – en ny serie webinarier från SAPSA och SAP Svenska.
Low Code / No Code - Improve processes and create apps with minimal or no coding
Välkommen till dessa korta och inspirerande Infobites, som vi hoppas ska hjälpa dig att hålla dig ajour med det senaste från SAP.
Low-code/no-code tools enable business users and programmers to build apps, improve workflows and collaborate more easily. As part of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), SAP's low-code/no-code offerings include: SAP Business Application Studio, SAP AppGyver, SAP Workflow Management and SAP Process Automation. These tools and technologies allow you, along with your business users, to set up and configure processes and workflows with minimal coding.
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SAP Low Code - No Code, pdf file