Den här sidan fyller vi med information till våra sponsorer och talare. Sidan uppdateras kontinuerligt.
IMPULS Online 2021
SAPSA IMPULS is the Swedish User Group’s annual conference. We will meet over 800 people and this year it will be online.
The event is free of charge for members who are users (customers) or sponsors. Others pay SEK 6000 per person.
We reserve the right to make changes.
All sponsors will have their logo together with a short presentation and link on the event site. Gold and Silver sponsors also have the possibility to apply for a speaking slot.
You can also invite your customers and prospects who are non-SAPSA-members to join your online session free of charge.
Please note that the sponsorship packages are open to SAPSA Partners and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only a few Bronze sponsorship packages left!
25 000 kr
Possibility to apply for speaking slot, and join the Live Studio in Stockholm or Gothenburg.
15 000 kr
Possibility to appy for speaking slot together with customer.
10 000 kr
Possibility to attend.
Apply for Speaking Slot
As a member of a user company or a sponsor you can apply for speaking slot preferably with your client. Let's engage, inspire and motivate the audience! A presentation is 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 minutes Q&A. All speaking slots have to be approved by the Speaking Council. Last day to apply is September 30.
Please keep your session title short, interesting and easy to read. The abstract should be a high-level summary of what attendees can expect to be covered. Please keep your session title short, interesting, and easy to read. The abstract should be a high-level summary of what attendees can expect to be covered. A good formula to use is Problem Statement + Approach + Results + Conclusions. Highlight topics, products and customer not included in the title.
The application is closed. If you have questions, please contact us.